Most of these dates are approximations
3600-2450 BC | Occupation of settlement at Skara Brae, Orkney. |
3100-2686 | Early dynastic period in Egypt. |
3000-1400 | Minoan civilization in Crete. |
2500 | Great pyramid and sphinx built in Egypt. |
2000 | Stonehenge in Britain, first phase. |
1400-1200 | Mycenaean civilization in Greece. |
1250 | Israelite settlements in Canaan. |
1220 | Destruction of Troy. |
1152 | Traditional date of founding of Alba Longa. |
1150-1050 | Period of the judges in Israel. |
1000-750 | Phoenician expansion overseas. |
1000 | Latins settle in Latium. |
965-925 | Solomon, king of Israel. |
814 | Traditional date of founding of Carthage. |
776 | First Olympic Games. |
775 | Euboean Greeks establish a trading post in Bay of Naples. |
753 | Traditional date of founding of Rome. |
753-510 | Period of the kings in Rome. |
750 | Greek alphabet, based on a Phoenician version of the Canaanite alphabet, begins to be used. |
650 | Etruscans occupy Latium. |
616-578 | Tarquinius Priscus. |
578-534 | Servius Tullius. Temple of Diana on Aventine hill. |
568-488 | Life of Buddha. |
551-479 | Life of Confucius. |
534-510 | Tarquinius Superbus. |
524 | Defeat of Etruscans at Cumae. |
510 | Ejection of kings. |
505 | Final defeat of Etruscans. |